Monday, February 9, 2009

my mini laptop bags on

Pagi ini mampir ke, lagi coba cari tahu
siapa sih pemenang Indonesia Good Design Selection 2008.
Eh ada hal menarik di halaman depan, ada gambar portfolio saya nyempil
disana. Kebetulan yang tampil adalah SleevePlus, tas laptop khusus
laptop mini semacam asus eee pc.

Emang sih, display portfolio itu seperti random digilir dari portfolio
member. Tapi, tetep aja seneng..lumayan nongol dikit :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sunnah ketika terjadi Gerhana

Senin kemarin terjadi gerhana bulan cincin di sebagian wilayah
Indonesia. Saya sendiri menyempatkan diri untuk melihat keluar rumah
bersama keluarga untuk menyaksikan kejadian yang bisa dibilang langka ini.
Tapi sebagai umat Islam, ternyata ada beberapa sunnah yang bisa kita
lakukan ketika terjadi gerhana, selain sekedar melihatnya saja.

Nah, sunnah-sunnah tersebut dibahas pada sholat Jum'at di kantor saya
hari ini. Untuk itu, sebagai pengingat untuk diri saya pribadi dan Insya
Allah bisa bermanfaat bagi yang lain, saya membagi sunnah-sunnah tersebut.

Yang pertama ketika terjadi gerhana matahari maupun bulan, kita
disunnahkan memperbayak dzikir. Menyebut nama Allah.Yang kedua membaca
Kemudian yang ketiga, kita disunnahkan memperbanyak sodaqoh ketika
terjadi gerhana.
Terakhir, kita, seperti yang dicontohkan Rasullulah, disunnahkan
melakukan sholat sunnah gerhana.

Perlu diketahui pula, tata cara sholat sunnah gerhana ini sedikit
berbeda dengan sholat sunnah lainnya. Sholat ini terdiri dari 2 rakaat.
Dan disetiap rakaatnya dilakukan 2 kali ruku (ada yang berpendapat 3
kali sampai 5 kali, tetapi menurut bapak Uztad yang berkotbah, para
ulama bersepakat 2 kali saja). Jadi setelah ruku pertama, kita berdiri
lagi, membaca Al Fatihah dan salah satu surat kembali. Kemudian ruku
lagi dan sholat diteruskan seperti biasa.
Gerakan ini diulangi kembali di rakaat kedua.

Demikian, Insya Allah posting ini ada gunanya untuk saya sendiri dan
kita semua. Amien

KDE 4.2 on EEE pc 700 4G

Maybe not all people know, but most Linux fans must know that on 27

January, KDE team has launch their long waited KDE 4.2. KDE 4.2 is the
second major release since the first KDE 4.0 series launched about a
year ago.

Well, since im a KDE fans, i grab their Suse based KDE live cd last
night. And tried them on my trusted Asus eee pc.

I create the USB live installer with no trouble. Just fire up
unetbootin from my Windows box, and everything goes very well. I put
the USB disk on my eee pc and it booted just fine.
A little trouble comes when the first time KDE 4.2 is loading. It just
came back to user login screen. After a couple of times trying, i figure
it out to select the session to KDE failsafe. Thats it. With this
option, KDE 4.2 booted normally, and i was welcomed by a beautifully KDE
4.2 desktop.

At KDE desktop, you can see the usual folder view Plasmoid. For anyone
of you who don't know, KDE 4 series, doesn't display an icon like
traditional desktop. It used folder view to display a content of the
desktop folder.
We can added more Plasmoid to the desktop, i added baterry and sticky
note. But, the add widget application seems still buggy. I can only add
one widget at a time, adding more make it freeze.

One thing i notice it the kicker. This KDE start menu is appearantly
scaled down, it becomes shorter to accomodate eee pc small screen. This
is quite nice, but there is a little room left for us to navigate in it.

Dolphin, the file manager also works fine. One little problem is, the
program height. I can't make it shorter. I solve the problem by change
the panel configuration, so application can overlap it.

One application that i found doesn't work is Amarok. Don't know why. I
don't think it because the soundcard, because sound is ok. Suse 11
manage to configure eee pc sound card just fine.

Well..i guess thats all. Overall, i like KDE 4.2. While most people
seems to think it suck, and prefer Gnome, i don't.
With clear mind, we can see that KDE 4 series is way ahead of Gnome, in
a matter of concept, graphics design and the underlying architecture.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009 Palm pre blog by me

Last week, Palm and once big names in PDA market, has release their latest product.
But there are something special about this new product called Palm Pre, this time, it is equipped with brand new OS caled WebOS which is based on Linux (i like Linux remember).

Second i read the story, i realize that this could be the next big thing (after Asus eee pc hype in 2008).
So, i create a blog and soon a web forum around this Palm Pre and Palm WebOS, mirroring the success of similar blog and webforum for eee pc from what i see.

Here it is, friends or everybody..
I present you a blog dedicated for Palm Pre and Palm WebOS.
Feel free to follow join sure it would be a nice product to have and to follow.

Oh..i also make a twitter microblog for it. Follow it at