divisi kami yang kecil. Pada saat itu seorang kawan berkomentar
mengagumi sang bos sebagai orang "besar".
Saya tergelitik untuk menanggapi komentarnya. Berikut adalah petikan
diskusi kecil via email yang terjadi diantara kami.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan bisa menambah semangat kita semua.
tidak ada orang kecil dan orang besar di dunia ini
yang ada adalah orang yang merasa dirinya kecil
semoga makin pd dan semangat.OK..:)"
"there is some evidence that banyak orang besar yang datang dari
kalangan orang kecil.
i think steve job start from a little man but have spirit to against the
world (big corporation,tirani,dictators etc)"
"You'll be surprise.
Steve Jobs actually is a tirany, people just don't realize it. He's even
worse than Bill Gates.
Want to know why?..hehehe
And, he is not start thinking himself as little mas at the beginning.
You know what, at that time apple started (in the late 70's), He came to
Atari (or HP, i can't remember) and give them proposal to make personal
computer (a term that still very young at the time). Atari refuse.
From my point of view. Atari see Jobs as small/little people.
But for Jobs himself, i don't think he feel small. If he is, he won't
even dare to came to Atari at the first place.
The history fact is. Atari die at the mid 80's
They simply can't fight against emerging personal computer."