Monday, February 25, 2008

Slide show Sleeve untuk Asus eee pc

Sleeve untuk Asus eee pc batch 1 sudah tiba

Sekarang giliran proyek sleeve untuk Asus eee pc.

Akhirnya setelah melalui masa pengembangan selama 2 bulan, batch pertama
dari produk sleeve Asus eee pc kami akhirnya selesai.

Kalau penasaran seperti apa bentuknya, silahkan lihat fotonya di atas.
Sekedar info, produk sleeve ini didesain dengan bentuk dan fungsi yang
unik. Tersedia dalam bentuk landscape dan portrait. Nantikan keterangan
lengkapnya segera..

Relokasi Warung Kebab Turki Baba Rafi

Beberapa minggu belakangan sibuk banget..
Bukannya sok sibuk, tapi ya memang begitu adanya.

Di saat yang bersamaan, ada kedua usaha kami sedang membutuhkan
perhatian. Warung kebab kami perlu relokasi tempat, sedangkan produksi
sleeve untuk Asus eee pc sudah berjalan, padahal webnya masih terus

Oklah, sekarang saya cerita sedikit soal warung kebab saya.
Ya, belakangan ini omsetnya memang menurun terus. Dari yang tadinya
memang tidak terlalu besar, makin menciut dari hari ke hari. Akhirnya
setelah diskusi panjang dengan para pemegang saham dan pihak Baba Rafi,
akhirnya diputuskan untuk merelokasi ke tempat yang dianggap lebih baik.

Sudahnya, sekarang ini, di Jakarta, spot untuk lokasi sudah semakin
sulit. Sesuai kebijakan Baba Rafi, ada minimun jarak antara outlet. Tapi
Alhamdullilah, saat kami memutuskan untuk relokasi, franchisor yang
dulunya matok wilayah Bintaro Jaya, rupanya sudah pindah tempat, so
kawasan ini sedang kosong.

Setelah survey, kami akhirnya memilih lokasi di Bintaro Jaya Sektor 3A,
posisi sebelum STAN dekat dengan gerbang masuk kompleks Pondok Jaya.
Memang lebih mahal dari segi sewa, tapi Insya Allah pasar lebih baik di
lokasi ini.

Rencananya, Insya Allah kami akan pindah per tanggal 1 Maret ini.
Doakan lancar ya, nanti saya cerita lagi kelanjutannya.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hubpages - another web 2.0

Helo again,

Last month, some friend of mine introduce me to a new website called Hubpages. It's a web 2.0 kind of website. That mean that this website, much like other web 2.0 website like Youtube or Flickr, is filled by the content create by their user. If Youtube is filled by video create by their user, Hubpages content is article written by their user.

So, i decided to give it a try.
I sign up and look around.
Basically, hubpages is like squidoo. Here we can make a page about something that interest you. The page is called "hub". In that page you can write and article (actually this is the main content of the hub), put some picture and video. Like i said, its similar with squidoo, but simpler.In squidoo, you should build and collect information around a subject, much more like small portal.

Other similar thing, is, you can monitized your hub. There, you can put google adsense code (you can sign up to google adsense via hubpages if you haven't) and earn money everytime visitor click it (hubpages has a rule about this, read at their page for more detail). Or, you can sell thing via amazon or ebay.

On basic term, Hubpages is a social website that the member create a content for a specific subject. You can also create a group, join them, become fans of some writer and invite your friends to join. Much like other social website.

With its monitizing potential, Hubpages can become a great platfom for anyone of you that has interest in internet marketing. In the past you should create your own blog, apply for adsense (sometime even got rejection from google) as a way to earn money. Now, its even simpler. just create a hub, put some content, adsense code, Amazon or ebay gadget. It also relatively easier to get trafic. With your own blog, you have to update it regulary, apply some SEO technic and so on to get more traffic.

You can sign up here and star create your own hubpages.
It fun, and maybe..bring you fortune also :)